Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hospital Stuff

So, here is some info from my pre-op. For all of Friday I will be on a breathing tube and unable to talk to anyone. However, they expect me to be awake and aware by Saturday morning. Once I am gone from the breathing machine, I will be moved from ICU and sent to the floor. There I can have visitors at anytime. :) Don't be freaked out if I look weird. I will be having wires and tubes coming out of me (if I can't watch Transformers, I can at least look like one ;) ) and look a bit puffy.

Good news, my surgeon is world renown. :) What a blessing that I live 45 minutes away from there.

I am in the Mott's Children Hospital, pediatric cardiology.

I will post more when I get a chance. See you on the other side of surgery.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So, last week I went on a missions trip to Jackson, Kentucky. It was amazing! We painted rooms and a building for a Christian academy which is a year round boarding school for kids who need to get away from their home environments. I could type all of it out..but it is much better with pictures.
In case you have not been there...Kentucky has some of the most breathtaking scenery I have ever laid eyes on.
I made it! It was a lot of climbing to the natural bridge, but worth every bead of sweat created...and there were a lot.

I am enjoying the fan, and getting those hard to reach places all at once. It was wonderful considering the weather was sticky and hot.

The students have a game night, and we got to hang out with them.

Sometimes it takes some ingenuity to get those hard to reach areas.

Friday, June 12, 2009


My heart surgery is in fourteen days. But, growth with my relationship with God is happening in large strides. I honestly do not know how people survive without it. Open heart surgery is terrifying.

But I am comforted.
I am at Peace.

I know that God is in control, has perfect timing (I am a teacher and have the summer to recover - perfect!), and loves me more then anyone on this world.

I know that some people may think, "If He loves you so much, why do you even have this problem?" However, I would not trade this condition. I can emphasize with those who are hurting, I learn that I can't rely on myself, and God is showing up in mighty ways through it.